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A few thousand miles

Over twenty-two hundred miles on the bike and it just turned April, no wonder I stopped posting to this blog…

Death Valley was the test trip, the shake out. Was I going to like riding or was I going to sell the Beast and take up golf? As it turned out I will not be buying any new clubs anytime soon. The Solo ride was epic! The BMW surpassed every expectation that I had I and I really felt in touch with my emotions and the world as I rode across the high deserts of Nevada. A solo ride is a great way to enjoy the freedom of riding and explore the open road. Everything about the ride was fantastic, the bike, the roads, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, all were wonderful and all beckon to be explored.

No sponsors, no help, no film crew, no training, no problems. I am glad I spent the time I did in getting ready for the trip, glad I planned out my camp, my gear, my route. Everything fell into place and now I am getting ready for my next adventure. There is so much to be said, how the bike rode, the scenery, the places I went and the people I met yet it all seems so distant, like it is more fun to plan the next trip than to dwell on the last one.

I will take lessons learned with me as I move on, Bold hand written notes, “The Beast is not a dirt bike, she is very heavy” stick them on my tank so I can read them as I ride, “Do you have enough gas?” simple little notes… I like to learn from other people’s mistakes rather than learning from my own but some things you have to find out for yourself. Riding in below freezing temperatures is not recommended, now I know.

I rode solo, it is the best, the only way to ride until you stop then you are alone, I enjoyed both but looked forward to having someone to share with. My next ride will be a small group of Adventure riders, people from a website, strangers with a common bond. After that I have planned a ride with my wife, she will follow in the car, a support vehicle if you like to call it that.

The Adventure ride will be a few days in southern Utah, we will stay in Moab, Torrey and Zion. The ride with Teresa will be to Durango and I will set out on day rides every day while she is in a business conference. A free hotel room every night and someone to share the day’s adventures with. Another chapter in the blog another couple of thousand miles on the bike by May.

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